Attractive Im On My Second Shirt
A couple of years ago my brother and I went out into the desert in Arizona to spend the day shooting. After doing the requisite magazine dump, I realized I had just spent $9 in about 5 seconds (30 rounds x $0.30 per round). That was a fun but expensive day. Probably spent $400 on all the ammo. You can reload for Attractive I’m On My Second Shirt cheaper than brand new ammunition, though the savings isn’t much until you hit the bulk range. I think you can save about 20-30% reloading, but that’s if you don’t consider your own labor worth any money. Granted, if it’s your spare time and it’s your hobby, then I guess it’s not. They definitely are, and they’re a great way to practice precision and accuracy as well as to promote muscle memory when handling firearms. Hell yea. We need more brothers supporting the 2A. My brother in law is a black man and is probably one of the biggest supporters I know. Granted we live in the midwest, but the more the merrier! Also CA here. I was really disappointed to see the Supreme Court deny taking up the 2A cases from Attractive I’m On My Second Shirt California.
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