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I’m not a horse expert, but I’d guess a whole chick isn’t the best nutrition for a grass-eating herbivore. Sounds more like an unpleasant mistake (for the horse and for the chick) than a normal horse meal. Correct me if I’m wrong. Nope. They do eat small rodents and birds. Ever seen the deer eat that bird? That’s when I learned that herbivores that we view as these peaceful prey. Actually do eat smaller animals. And Good Buy The Liverpool Back On Our F’ing Perch Shirt in fact, it can help their gutty works or some shit. Nature is metal. The ability to digest meat is way lower on the evolutionary tech tree than the ability to digest plants. If given a free meal and the herbivore in question is hungry enough or missing whatever nutrients, they’ll take the roadkill/chick/egg. Better to think of animals as “obligate” herbivores/carnivores. In other words, they need to eat such and such in order to survive (cats and dogs must eat meat or they will die of Good Buy The Liverpool Back On Our F’ing Perch Shirt malnutrition), because if you include the food that an animal will opportunistically eat, the classification breaks down quickly. To my understanding, so many things have to align (many of them through artificial human intervention).
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