Cool Jane Austen I Put The Lit In Literature Vintage Shirt
Is there a support sub for people who have been traumatized after finding out velociraptors were actually turkey-sized and Jurassic Park lied to them? I’ve only seen about a dozen wild turkey in my life, and I’m horrified imagining a flock of turkey-sized velociraptors. I wonder what they would taste like? Chicken tasting, like other reptiles? I know dude I’m stoned and just streaming away my conscience… I’d hide up a tree or get ready to start kicking and Cool Jane Austen I Put The Lit In Literature Vintage Shirt punching, wow. We’re fucking animals. This feels like the punchy catchphrase for one of my dead grandmother’s favorite sayings “a lady is nice twice… and then people best lookout.” Man, remember how long it took to send .bmps over Usenet groups? Just leave the connection open all night and hope no one was trying to call with Cool Jane Austen I Put The Lit In Literature Vintage Shirt an emergency. And to the U.S., it’s like 60% which is much better than the UK. Hardly anyone’s wearing them in the UK. People look at you like you have 3 heads if you do. There’s a lot of social pressure not to wear them. I’d say 5% at most wear them.
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