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That’s sad. I honestly haven’t experienced much of this at all. I’m in Memphis TN. White people are actually a minority here I believe. Most of my coworkers are African American or Vietnamese. I think people around here are honestly out of touch with society outside of our area. Memphis is notoriously violent and most of us just want to be cool with everyone. true! First, it turns you into a cynic then it numbs you down. It would really help to find a hobby that turns you away from Important Weed Girl Pot Head Marijuana Cannabis Shirt the online world. I’ve read a couple of your comments, and Important Weed Girl Pot Head Marijuana Cannabis Shirt I appreciate your mentality. You seem calm, relaxed, and objective. Kudos to you. Not really. I tend to agree with most of the sentiments, but to generalize a nation of 330 million based on what you’ve experienced either anecdotally or through various media outlets, forums, or wherever you choose to utilize your time, is just as ignorant as the people you’re condemning. I second this. When I talk to some people on Reddit they’re shocked I could think most people are overall decent people.
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