Pro Fyi I’m Out Of The Medicine That Makes Me Like You Shirt
We used to trick my cat when she was a kitten by waiting until she meowed and then squirting the medicine in her mouth. She figured us out and even 5 years later still meows with her mouth closed when you hold her. Plenty of kids go through phases where they won’t eat certain foods but then return to them later. It’s okay if you keep exposing them to new foods they’ll find new veggies they like, just don’t give up. Also, the worst thing you can do is give them junk food- sodas, fast food, etc. Makes healthy food taste like shit in comparison and Pro Fyi I’m Out Of The Medicine That Makes Me Like You Shirt, of course, that’s all they’ll want to eat. It’s not like they won’t like sugar when they eventually taste it, why shouldn’t I normalize other tastes for them now so they don’t have the same bad habits I have? I was pretty vigilant with my oldest (now 6) and her favorite foods are literally salad, fish and lentil soup, and I relaxed a bit with successive kids and honestly, their dietary preferences are more “normal” kid stuff (hating anything green, only wanting rice and Pro Fyi I’m Out Of The Medicine That Makes Me Like You Shirt pb&j, etc). I think it’s largely about exposure unless the child has taste/texture sensitivities.
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