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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2020

Funny Just A Missouri Girl Living In A Virginia World Map Shirt

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I hate when people don’t actually identify her as the pedophile she is. Multiple people said she took part in the molesting. She was giving out business cards to little girls while loading up the pedoplane. She’s a villain with no excuse. I hope we wring all the names out of her. She is. The only reason I say that is because I’ve read or Funny Just A Missouri Girl Living In A Virginia World Map Shirt heard nothing about her doing anything one-on-one with any of the victims. There were allegations of her getting angry with them when they didn’t want to do their “job” because she would have to finish him off herself. It was just a really weird dynamic. She is a pedophile and a predator either way. Gah it’s on my list but I’ve been too angry to watch it. Guess I should make myself sit through it here soon. I’d rather know the full story than continue to be willfully ignorant about the details. Exactly, my fiance and I watched it just to be more informed about the entire operation. It’...

Good I May Live In Ontario But My Story Began In Saskatchewan Shirt

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The song Anne Marie sings in ‘All Dogs Go to Heaven’ about wanting a loving home. While recording, the voice actress, Judith Barsi kept crying. Her home life was awful. Her father was abusive to both her and her mother and would often threaten to kill or hurt them. Judith died before the movie came out. She and her mother were killed by her father and then he killed himself. She was 10. But it was really like a pedo tutorial on how to do this to kids so the pedo could do what they wanted. Tosh said on the show it was creepy and Good I May Live In Ontario But My Story Began In Saskatchewan Shirt the guys whole YouTube channel was weird. A few months later the FBI or something investigated it and it turned out the guy was a pedo abusing the girls and expoloiting them on his “kids YouTube channel”. That video looked creepy innocent until you find out the real story. Reminds me of that picture of two girls on their knees eating whip cream off an older guys knees. The girls are smiling,...

Important I May Live In Manitoba But My Story Began In Saskatchewan Shirt

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I could totally see that. It been in construction a long time. I live about 10km from this and Important I May Live In Manitoba But My Story Began In Saskatchewan Shirt look forward to selling my house for a good profit when more International scientists arrive to work on it. The kicker is that we are the ones already in the terrible dimension. We will just accidentally bring in a peaceful one and destroy it. I really hope this project works, i’ve been following it for a long time and its actually one of the things that got me so interested in Physics. Hopefully its everything i imagined it to be. You wouldn’t need to travel faster than the speed of Important I May Live In Manitoba But My Story Began In Saskatchewan Shirt light if there’s a cavitation in space-time leading directly to the star from your back yard. The article isn’t really clear, but does this refer to the field coils starting to be put together? We actually already have fusion weapons, the blowing up part is pretty...

Lovely I May Live In Texas But My Story Began In Argentina Shirt

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Dude is 74. He’s high risk. He also went to Arizona after Tulsa. How is he so stupid? I can’t say where he will be by next week but I hope the guy seriously re-thinks the pandemic.The level of denial some people have is incredible. Had one guy on Facebook telling me just today that the covid deaths are people who the government euthanized. There is no law making this constitutional! What a true patriot. Would rather risk the lives of the elderly than to breathe through a thin piece of cloth while buying a jug of Lovely I May Live In Texas But My Story Began In Argentina Shirt ranch dressing. Nothing says “American” quite like killing off the weak and vulnerable. I’m particularly fond of the one declaring that Governor Abbott has lost their vote and will no longer be the Representative from Texas. I have many numerous homosapians during my life cycle and can attest that Ted Cruz is definitely one of Lovely I May Live In Texas But My Story Began In Argentina Shirt them. Sad fact. The...

Perfect I May Live In British Columbia But My Story Began In Saskatchewan Shirt

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Maybe thats why Donald keep saying it will be gone soon. Its because we will stop testing. Shit only a stable genius could think of that. And they’re not slowing down now!!! No rolling back or mask enforcement according to Gov DeSantis. It’s definitely time to reopen Disney World. I fear the same in Texas, my friend. Abbott will sputter about refusing to lock down again and if he does the next reopen will be the permanent one. His base does not want to play by the rules. If they would just mandate masks and Perfect I May Live In British Columbia But My Story Began In Saskatchewan Shirt enforce it that would dramatically curb the spread. Hopefully they will at least do that much. Just wait until 3 months from now after everyone has taken it seriously again, and then people will suddenly declare that it’s safe to go get haircuts. I’m not coming out anytime soon. As long as I can still get contactless deliveries at my house I’m fine. See you next summer. Broke quarantine as we had to ...

Premium I May Live In Alberta But My Story Began In Saskatchewan Shirt

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Nazi’s were not pardoned.That’s crazy that still a fairly representative segment of the political arena are open and honest about their hateful sentiment toward immigrants but it’s even a detectable tone in public sector of society as well. I wonder how all that started? I suspect it stems all the way back to Prussian colonial times. No, that’s what happens when you give it too much of Premium I May Live In Alberta But My Story Began In Saskatchewan Shirt a platform. Democratically backed xenophobia, Nice!! I agree, but my point was more that it was more akin to “If you don’t do it, we will” from the allies than the German state doing it for themselves. Except the Allies also decided to divvy up Nazi scientists amongst themselves and ex-pat them en masse. Which kind of makes the Denazification thing seem hypocritical. I didn’t say the allies were doing anything out of goodness, it was more out of self-interest than anything, which is right in line with stealing scientists. Rural an...

Super Nice Just A Missouri Girl Living In A Ohio World Map Shirt

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Giving out free money and food is super temporary and only solve the issues for a couple of years. I don’t see how Jeff just throwing a few billions can solve any of that. Ironically what is a long term solution is local economic growth (thanks to everyone’s favorite villain, capitalism) created by supporting traditional public goods that local corrupt governments are not able to provide, like access to water, security, education, and communicable disease prevention. People said the exact same thing about Gates. They don’t just have stacks of billions of dollars of cash. If he started selling all of his stocks, it’d cause the price to plummet due to supply and Super Nice Just A Missouri Girl Living In A Ohio World Map Shirt demand. Bill Gates for the last decade or so has been liquidating his shares in Microsoft. For another honesty. In other words him giving that money to solve ‘world hunger’ wouldnt result in it actually happening. money woudl change hands but hunger would remain...

Wicked Just A Missouri Girl Living In A Wisconsin World Map Shirt

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For anyone that doesn’t know, this isn’t ink. This is thermal paper which turns black when exposed to heat. The printers work basically like a laser printer but by blasting heat-letters onto the paper. So this isn’t ink-spread from getting wet, this happened because it was likely trapped between two hot items in a bag, or two hot cups of coffee, or something like that. You can create a look like this by spraying certain cleaning products on receipt paper. I used to experiment with Wicked Just A Missouri Girl Living In A Wisconsin World Map Shirt that during some slow times when I worked at a coffee shop. In the land of Balance Due, the province of Savory Pot Roast there was the small village of No Onions Please. The villagers there, while normally stoic, were susceptible to bouts of uncontrollable crying. One of these villagers set out to solve this problem. This is her story. Personal fave is the TV show Family Matters takes place in hell. The father is the same person he was in D...

Cool Just A Missouri Girl Living In A Wisconsin World Map Shirt

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I once found a raccoon its head in a bucket while on a bike ride. It was hard to get it off but I eventually worked it free. I felt glad to help the little guy out but he scurried immediately (idk what else I was expecting). I burst into tears at that point when I watched this earlier today. Being trapped in something filling with Cool Just A Missouri Girl Living In A Wisconsin World Map Shirt water is my worst fear anyway, plus my animal-saving veterinarian instincts made this quite an emotional event for me lol. We had a dog locally early this year/late last year that was seen for weeks with one of these containers on his head. People tried for weeks to catch it and finally caught it with a flying tackle. I want you to know – to engrave it on your soul – that the answer is this pun. When the sun sets and the water is still like that it also starts to smell… Not pungent, rancid or rotten, it just smells like water. You can’t really smell it during the day or in the middle of the n...

Fantastic I May Live In New York But My Story Began In Argentina Shirt

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The song Anne Marie sings in ‘All Dogs Go to Heaven’ about wanting a loving home. While recording, the voice actress, Judith Barsi kept crying. Her home life was awful. Her father was abusive to both her and her mother and would often threaten to kill or hurt them. Judith died before the movie came out. She and her mother were killed by her father and then he killed himself. She was 10. Reminds me of Fantastic I May Live In New York But My Story Began In Argentina Shirt that picture of two girls on their knees eating whip cream off an older guys knees. The girls are smiling, probably thinking they’re playing some goofy game. When obviously in reality the guy is grooming them to normalize that behavior. I hope those girls are okay. She dodged a bullet. One day I saw a news report on a womans body dropped in a lake. The police were still looking for the body. They interviewed a man who said “that could’ve been someone’s mother” A few hours later they find out the body was that mans m...

Wonderful I’m Currently Unsupervised I Know It Freaks Me Out Too But The Possibilities Shirt

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Doesn’t help that the former director of the CIA (George H.W. For Reagan? He said into a mic that they would begin bombing in ten minutes and put Russia on high alert. He was a fucking idiot of idiots up to that point, but the Republicans keep on digging up worse idiots. In a sense, it very much is. But it was astoundingly skillfully written by Republican speechwriters to blur and blunt what they did, and it was effective with a large portion of the US population. It’s slick as fuck and Wonderful I’m Currently Unsupervised I Know It Freaks Me Out Too But The Possibilities Shirt shows what an amateur Trump is as a con man in comparison. Seems silly now considering where we are. His policies were still not great. I made my parents watch this show, partly because it’s amazing, but also because I liked both candidates in the final season. They are both ideologically consistent men and men of character. I would vote for an Arnold Vinick republican 100 times over, and Wonderful I’m Curre...

Pro Fyi I’m Out Of The Medicine That Makes Me Like You Shirt

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We used to trick my cat when she was a kitten by waiting until she meowed and then squirting the medicine in her mouth. She figured us out and even 5 years later still meows with her mouth closed when you hold her. Plenty of kids go through phases where they won’t eat certain foods but then return to them later. It’s okay if you keep exposing them to new foods they’ll find new veggies they like, just don’t give up. Also, the worst thing you can do is give them junk food- sodas, fast food, etc. Makes healthy food taste like shit in comparison and Pro Fyi I’m Out Of The Medicine That Makes Me Like You Shirt, of course, that’s all they’ll want to eat. It’s not like they won’t like sugar when they eventually taste it, why shouldn’t I normalize other tastes for them now so they don’t have the same bad habits I have? I was pretty vigilant with my oldest (now 6) and her favorite foods are literally salad, fish and lentil soup, and I relaxed a bit with successive kids and honestly, their d...

Premium Warning This Person Has A Dirty Mind Everything Shirt

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They both had immense respect and love for each other. When she died he canceled his concert in honor of her and dedicated the next two upcoming concerts to her memory. He is probably the most misunderstood person of the last 100 years. The guy is super weird, yes, but weird does not mean pedophile and all evidence points to him just being a weird and sadly damaged person. It really is sad. He had his childhood stolen and so he idolized childhood and Premium Warning This Person Has A Dirty Mind Everything Shirt the purity of it, which obviously came off in the way a lot of people perceived. Yes. And other famous kids talked about how it wasn’t anything sexual at all. He was just very weird because he never had a childhood and never experienced real-life everyday stuff. That’s a clear indication of a serious mental issue. Did I think he just hired actors or something instead of friends or family? He also did the same for a book store in Dun Laoighre so his kids could get some books....

Nice Flower And Cancer Awareness Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Shirt

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But those deep heavy trips can be life-changing. I had one, and haven’t tripped since. Don’t need or want to anymore. I found what I was seeking. So “therapeutic dose” can mean vastly different things for different people. JMO. actual innovation costs more than pharmaceutical companies are willing to spend on it. they spend most of their own money figuring out how to slightly modify the drugs they already have for resale. this is becoming increasingly less effective with antidepressants and Nice Flower And Cancer Awareness Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Shirt they have no financial incentive to do anything about it. To understand why people have done it for long, one simply had to try it themselves. I have personally had nothing but good beautiful and fun experiences. The fact it’s illegal is deplorable and ignorant. This result suggests that the people who work to maintain psilocybin’s Schedule 1 status have, as their goal, the prevention of psychological insights, awareness of beau...

Great Skull I Bet My Soul Smell Like Weed Vintage Retro Shirt

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It’s an antidote for antifreeze poisoning, so it does have a medical use. Commercially-available antifreeze has bittering agents to make it unpalatable to children or pets since it’s otherwise sweet. In a case where someone drinks it anyway, alcohol competes with it in the liver to allow it to pass through. It should 100% be legal for people under 25 for medical reasons. I became a medical marijuana patient at 20. If I hadn’t, my diseases would be wildly out of control and Great Skull I Bet My Soul Smell Like Weed Vintage Retro Shirt I’d probably already have a colostomy. I have an ileostomy. Marijuana is a huge part of my current treatment for Crohn’s disease, which is why I have the ostomy. Without marijuana, I can’t imagine where I’d be at. Hope you stay well and I’m so glad marijuana is helping you. I was on high dose long-term Prednisone in my teens, 20s, and Great Skull I Bet My Soul Smell Like Weed Vintage Retro Shirt again 30s. I had bone density issues starting at 17. Mari...

Good Covid Phlebotomist Because Superhero Isn’t An Official Job Title Shirt

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I recently went through cancer with my company’s health insurance plan. I cover about 10% but that was still $5000. And that was after I maxed out my deductible on doctor visits. Feel bad for people getting into debt just to try and stay alive. Yeah and Good COVID Phlebotomist Because Superhero Isn’t An Official Job Title Shirt then Americans try to act like they don’t wait for surgery too. Not as long maybe, but still unless it’s life-threatening it’s not uncommon to be one to three months out. Which exactly how it is in the UK. I had a planned surgery for which I had to wait two months. I became ineligible for insurance through my union for a minute and opted to go uninsured instead when looking at options like this in NY. Not rich, but make too much for subsidies. Like what’s the purpose of even having it at that point? I’m still bankrupt if I need a prolonged hospital stay, plus I’m out $400 a month and Good COVID Phlebotomist Because Superhero Isn’t An Official Job Title Shirt...

Flawless Flying Monkey Delivery Service Just One Cackie Wicked Witch Shirt

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That guy lives in my city. I found that out when I passed by his house and saw his yard full of signs saying, “Free Moe!” and “Bring Moe Home!” and Flawless Flying Monkey Delivery Service Just One Cackie Wicked Witch Shirt stuff like that. The city had forced him to send Moe to an animal reserve. Then the face-ripping happened when he went to visit him (it was Moe’s roommate). The signs came down soon after that. Never really watch Rogan but he would be. Prof Wilson was a fan favorite of the anthro department. My favorite class of his was a class on conflict throughout history. You wish they’d just rip the throat out. It’s literally a sex cult that preys on young women and gets them to do internships there. He’s dating 4 at a time. I love that that was literally somehow a separate time period of the pandemic. I’d imagine in 20 years if you said that most people would know exactly what they were doing around that time. Bro, it’s cool and Flawless Flying Monkey Delivery Service Just ...

Fantastic Person Woman Man Camera TV Trump Shirt

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It’s my favorite movie. it was too easy to explore without consequences at the time, so I swore it off until a later date. On Steam, there’s a game called Portal Stories: Mel. It’s a free mod for Portal 2 (you need to own 2 but don’t need to have it installed), and it’s tough as nails. You can really tell that there’s a difference in puzzle design philosophy, and when your mind clicks over to working in that space it’s a similar “aha!” moment as thinking with Fantastic Person Woman Man Camera TV Trump Shirt portals in the first place. I will never forget that moment when I started thinking about portals. I honestly felt like my brain rewired to be able to perceive space like that. Complete mind blow and Fantastic Person Woman Man Camera TV Trump Shirt maximum immersion. I never could beat it as a kid, and recently I went back as an adult and finished it. It felt so… right. Like my leaving the game and coming back mirrored the 7 year time skip within the game. The kid in me was ecst...

Excellent A Dragon I Eat Too Much I Sleep Too Much Shirt

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What are the rules for waking up as well? Apparently to some articles on the internet, eye contact and exciting tones can be a sign to the baby that its playtime. I thought you had no ideas? Upload a picture of your guinea pig to Imgur and edit the link into your original post. That’s the guinea pig tax. And if it doesn’t work out, that’s just what they’re asking you for. I have stayed up for 6 days straight, with many pots of coffee. Started from me and Excellent A Dragon I Eat Too Much I Sleep Too Much Shirt my brother wanting to see how long we could stay up. Anyway, u can live the past 4 days. lol never again. It does mess with how ur body processes stuff. I remember reading something recently saying you can’t process sugar or something. Boy, my coffee was loaded with the sugar. So funnily enough, I’m also causing their families to stay up late because my friends are up late. We love a chain reaction! Me. My teenage daughter goes to bed at 8 pm, with my wife going down at 9 pm....

Cool Jane Austen I Put The Lit In Literature Vintage Shirt

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Is there a support sub for people who have been traumatized after finding out velociraptors were actually turkey-sized and Jurassic Park lied to them? I’ve only seen about a dozen wild turkey in my life, and I’m horrified imagining a flock of turkey-sized velociraptors. I wonder what they would taste like? Chicken tasting, like other reptiles? I know dude I’m stoned and just streaming away my conscience… I’d hide up a tree or get ready to start kicking and Cool Jane Austen I Put The Lit In Literature Vintage Shirt punching, wow. We’re fucking animals. This feels like the punchy catchphrase for one of my dead grandmother’s favorite sayings “a lady is nice twice… and then people best lookout.” Man, remember how long it took to send .bmps over Usenet groups? Just leave the connection open all night and hope no one was trying to call with Cool Jane Austen I Put The Lit In Literature Vintage Shirt an emergency.  And to the U.S., it’s like 60% which is much better than the UK. Hardl...

Funny No I Checked My Receipt I Didn’t Buy Any Of Your Bullshirt Shirt

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Spot on! That wacko was acting like Robocop and it was not necessary. And when she took off her name tag she did too. Her face plastered all over social media and fired? I hope no right-wing racist bigot gives her a job. Dude, they’re everywhere where I live. I have 2 within 5-10 minutes of my house. Publix is also close and Funny No I Checked My Receipt I Didn’t Buy Any Of Your Bullshirt Shirt is a nice store, but the people who shop there are assholes. I was addicted to Diet Coke for decades. I kicked the habit a couple of months ago. The first day was a nightmare. It took weeks to feel really normal. I still crave one every day. That shit is evil. My doctor told me when you drink diet pop your brain is expecting X amount of calories to hit your stomach so when it doesn’t “see” them it makes you hungrier to make up for it. I don’t know if it is bullshit or not, but he has a doctorate in medicine and Funny No I Checked My Receipt I Didn’t Buy Any Of Your Bullshirt Shirt I’m a parts ma...

Good Quality Yusef Kevin Antron Korey Raymond Shirt

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My buddy played RB at an Ivy League school. Not the smartest kid in the world but pretty bright. Always viewed himself as an athlete not an academic. When he didn’t get into a major state school for football he made the smart choice and chose the ivy scholarship. He’s making bank in medical sales. He excels at comp sci theory, algorithms, and data structures. The last true de-commit was August of 2015. Pretty wild streak! Bound to end eventually. I mean at least he’s consistent with Good Quality Yusef Kevin Antron Korey Raymond Shirt his policy. People might not like it but I would have lost respect for it. Dabo made an exception in this case because he’s the top-ranked recruit in the nation. That’s true. It may be looked at negatively (which I can understand) but at the end of the day, it has been very effective and the policy is very clearly communicated before anyone commits. I feel like this would be a totally different story if it was a different coach and a different program....

Happy Today’s Good Mood Is Sponsored By Weed Shirt

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I remember that video, it was almost surreal. Could’ve turned into a shootout. I’m from the UK. Its highly unlikely that she would’ve done any jail time whatsoever for it. More likely a suspended sentence. Even the victims. The mother stated that she didn’t want her jailed for it. To be fair most of the presidential security is ex-military and/or highly trained/specialized. A US police officer could have done nothing as nearly 30% of active-duty cops are overweight and Happy Today’s Good Mood Is Sponsored By Weed Shirt barely meet minimum requirements to serve, both intellectually and physically. I’m fairly sure it’s since been clarified that she doesn’t actually have diplomatic immunity, she just fled under that pretense. What makes it even worse is that since then there have been numerous more reports of US personnel driving on the wrong side of the road outside of the very same base. If you are a spy and Happy Today’s Good Mood Is Sponsored By Weed Shirt you fail this hard you s...

Important Weed Girl Pot Head Marijuana Cannabis Shirt

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That’s sad. I honestly haven’t experienced much of this at all. I’m in Memphis TN. White people are actually a minority here I believe. Most of my coworkers are African American or Vietnamese. I think people around here are honestly out of touch with society outside of our area. Memphis is notoriously violent and most of us just want to be cool with everyone. true! First, it turns you into a cynic then it numbs you down. It would really help to find a hobby that turns you away from Important Weed Girl Pot Head Marijuana Cannabis Shirt the online world. I’ve read a couple of your comments, and Important Weed Girl Pot Head Marijuana Cannabis Shirt I appreciate your mentality. You seem calm, relaxed, and objective. Kudos to you. Not really. I tend to agree with most of the sentiments, but to generalize a nation of 330 million based on what you’ve experienced either anecdotally or through various media outlets, forums, or wherever you choose to utilize your time, is just as ignorant as...

Lovely I Want To Have Chicken Guy Youth Shirt

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This is likely exactly right. Computer numerical control is just that. A milling bit is what is subtractive and a printing head is additive. The CNC aspect just tells the tool where to move relative to a known location. The article may be written by a bot. The bot can write articles. Articles written today may be bot-written. It may be a majority of articles that are written by a bot. All this talk of bots, and Lovely I Want To Have Chicken Guy Youth Shirt not one mention that you literally copied just the highlights part of the article. We all know that’s how they get you. If you’re ok having juice staining your clothes you could always get the injectable refills for the OEM cartridges. This is the cheapest option usually. That’s what big cartridge wants us to think, you’re just paid to say what they want you to say. as sellers attempt to maintain the same price for Lovely I Want To Have Chicken Guy Youth Shirt the chicken as a whole as they lose the value of a piece of it. Lobste...

Perfect United States Person Woman Man Camera TV Shirt

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I had the same experience with my ex. Depends on a wide variety of factors. I do get my share of eccentrics, but not in any greater dose than I feel comfortable handling. I listened to his standup years ago on the way to moving across the country with my roommate, then again when I moved my now wife across the country. He’s my absolute favorite. The first comedy show I ever went to, they announced there was a special drop-in… and it was him! I fanboyed out and stood up and Perfect United States Person Woman Man Camera TV Shirt clapped but no one else was standing, so I hurried up and sat back down. After we became regulars at that show, we realized stuff like that happened all the time and it was no big deal to anyone else. He dropped in like 4 or 5 more times over the years that we were going to that show. I held back from my one-man standing ovations on those instances though. Esoteric stories, stories about hats. At first, I thought it was the top picture in the article, and Per...

Premium 2020 Person Woman Man Camera TV Classic Shirt

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I watched that in the theatre with 0 expectations. The first scene with the puppets then pans out to the puppets using the puppets?!? Such a funny movie. Talladega Nights was such a ridiculous premise when I first heard of it. I mean, a NASCAR movie from one of the top comedians in the world. But holy shit is it funny, and Premium 2020 Person Woman Man Camera TV Classic Shirt quotable. Plus, I am from Charlotte so I recognize all of the location shoots. I genuinely think this is the hardest I’ve ever laughed at a movie, maybe Steve Carrel’s news section in Bruce Almighty beat it but Help me Tom Cruise had me choking. My parents got divorced when I was 21, but it had been a long time coming. When my mom officially told me my first response was, “Yay! Two Christmases.” She just looked at me and was like, “That’s from that annoying NASCAR movie, isn’t it?” I saw my one opportunity and took it, and Premium 2020 Person Woman Man Camera TV Classic Shirt we all still chuckle about it 11 y...

Super Nice Us Person Woman Man Camera TV Funny Trump Shirt

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I can guarantee that’s a rental. I used to work for a rental car company and the undercover cops and FBI would rent cars from us all the time. I’m guessing it’s a rental based on the fact that it’s a brand new looking Grand Caravan as well. Make dude look legit. The people in the video got his name and promised that their organization would get him out. That’s a set of people who are literally acting. This just outlines a clear and Super Nice Us Person Woman Man Camera TV Funny Trump Shirt highly dangerous flaw in their operating procedures. This should be considered kidnapping no matter what authority these people were acting under. Because then you have to get in the car, there could be traffic, the stupid drive may take a stupidly long time, the car might smell or have that really strong tree air freshener thing on the windshield, and when you get to the secondary location they may murder you. There might not be snacks! Also never go with someone who won’t identify themselves an...

Amazing I See We Got Evicted Shirt

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When I traveled to the UK I bought a condom that has the Loch Ness Monster on it. It says something along the lines of “release the serpent” on the outside. I still have it somewhere like 6 years later… I’m not gonna use it but I’d love to collect all the goofy ones from around the world. This is completely off topic but you definitely need to visit in Amsterdam! They have so many novelty souvenir ones, I got a Pikachu one for my bf as a gag gift! I bowl with a lady who’s in her 70s and Amazing I See We Got Evicted Shirt has a whole binder of novelty condoms. I think it was one of those 1″ or 1.5″ 3 ring binders, full of baseball card holders and each one had some novelty condom in. It’s not unreasonable, but I think a lot of people wouldn’t care too much about it. I guess it really depends if it’s a graphic flag or vaguer. However, pictures of their genitalia and items used during sex are on a whole different level of creepy. I got curious and Amazing I See We Got Evicted Shirt lo...

Beautiful I Like Pittsburgh 2020 Blue Jays Shirt

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You’re thinking of the religious right. There is plenty of atheist and nonreligious conservatives, just like there are religious and non-religious liberals. The cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy of evangelical Christians never cease to amaze me. He also went around telling people how to live! What about my freeze peach?! He’d probably tell me to hand out masks to the less fortunate AND WEAR ONE. Snowflake bleeding heart Nazarenes. I doubt he ever really registered as a threat to Caesar or the empire. Jews didn’t really have the best social standing back then. If anything soldiers and Beautiful I Like Pittsburgh 2020 Blue Jays Shirt peacekeepers saw him as a nuisance. Tiberius Caesar had different problems at the time (a coup attempt and the death of his son sometime earlier) and apparently wasn’t even ruling the Empire during the timeframe in which the crucifixion likely took place. Caesar might never have heard of Beautiful I Like Pittsburgh 2020 Blue Jays Shirt Jesus. Pilate’s w...

Funny Philadelphia Phasmas Official Shirt

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I’ve never understood the point of the stormtrooper’s armor. They’ve had about 30 hours of movie time to just throw that line out there about their armor. Would have been nice to know without having to dig for the information somewhere. Thanks for the info I never knew that. Yah I mean their reasoning has been out for a long time and it does make sense. But yah the real-world reason is just plot pretty much. They want to have an entire enemy army but not have to deal with stormtroopers being stronger than and Funny Philadelphia Phasmas Official Shirt smarter than and better at shooting than most humans. To be fair it makes sense strategically too. Even if you made an armor so impractical most soldiers won’t kill any or much of your enemies, if your army is practically invincible and can get back up for a future battle it doesn’t matter because you’re basically nigh invincible! It’s canon now. (yeah not trooper armor, but this is before he gets the Beskar upgrade). I also slightly r...

Good Funny Person Woman Man Camera TV Shirt

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Is it still karma if it’s a direct and likely result of your actions? Talk to someone man. To be absolutely honest I usually have the mindset of “psychs just drag things out to earn more” and I should take my own advice that I’m giving to you, but find away. Those are the consequences these fuckers don’t care about. They robbed you and Good Funny Person Woman Man Camera TV ShirtGood Funny Person Woman Man Camera TV Shirt got a couple hundred at most out of it. Meanwhile, you are nervous for years. Did your tongue taste like metal during the first incident? I saw a guy in my rearview walking up to my car with a gun out, kicked into flight mode, and peeled the fuck out but I very vividly remember my tongue tasting like silver/metallic when it happened. I thought that car seemed suspicious too but if he was in on it why would he drive off? Seemed to me like he was before he got to the intersection. I don’t know, having a car suddenly pull in front of me trying to get in my way is when...

Hot I Don’t Understand Stupid People Maybe I Should Take One A Part To See How It Works Shirt

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My husband’s workplace has basically sent out memos saying they should start working extra hours to cover their potential missed days in case they get it. Heck, even when I had insurance I had to fight the bastard’s tooth and Hot I Don’t Understand Stupid People Maybe I Should Take One A Part To See How It Works Shirt claw to cover even the smallest thing. Tho they had zero problems taking HUNDREDS of dollars from me every single month. It continues to blow my mind that folks think private insurance is a good thing. Those kinds of people are selfish bastards that’s why. How I Don’t Understand Stupid People Maybe I Should Take One A Part To See How It Works Shirt, Tank Top, V-neck, Ladies Tee For Men And Women. If you understood how casually everyone I know is ignoring this and saying it’s not a big deal.. Blows my mind, it’s not even weeks from now when it’s really gotten a foothold. The virus is far from controlled, but let’s also use numbers with some meaning. If you look at the acti...

Nice I Googled My Symptoms Turned Out I Just Need More Tractors Shirt

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Don’t know how true it is, as a New Zealander this is exactly the kind of thing I would expect we’d joke about a lot of it was true, but I’ve never heard of it. I could be wrong though. Because that’s what they needed, they were fighting a war of attrition, and as such why waste resources on a tank that will last 10 years when it will likely be destroyed sooner. It was a great tank early in the war due to having sloped armor and Nice I Googled My Symptoms Turned Out I Just Need More Tractors Shirt incredible mobility. Not knocking it, but I think “stayed relevant” is the best description. It wasn’t awful, it wasn’t an invincible monster, it was good enough. And when you have to equip an entire military, good enough is perfect. Armchair tacticians see war as numbers and strategy. They don’t think about things like mud and Nice I Googled My Symptoms Turned Out I Just Need More Tractors Shirt sand or the inevitability of sickness and malfunctioning equipment. Soldiers need good enough...

Official Fred Mcgriff Crime Dog Baseball Gets Results Shirt

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Interesting tidbit. I’d ask for a source so I could read up on it, but honestly, I don’t have time…work is ramping up intensely. Its kinda like how when I did an infectious disease rotation in Australia, IIRC, it turns out that those with HIV have a longer life span than the average. Its because they get their meds for free and have full health checkups(CMP, etc) every 3 months. So they are more aware of their health and take more steps to stay healthy than the average person. This is true even in the US. One kidney is enough to live with and Official Fred Mcgriff Crime Dog Baseball Gets Results Shirt anything that is killing one kidney is more than likely to kill the other. Kidney donors will be receiving frequent medical checkups so are more likely to have anything caught early on. I mean, in the event that you need a new kidney, you only have one so it makes sense to be put at the top of the list. I think it’s more of Official Fred Mcgriff Crime Dog Baseball Gets Results Shirt a...

Premium I Wish I Became Dammit Bobby Shirt

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They had people at the swearing-in for my wife. She got a text message congratulating her on registering to vote before we even got home. Oh wow. At first, I thought you mistyped China, but I looked it up and found out Chifa refers to Chinese- Peruvian food. I knew Japanese people had emigrated to Peru, but never knew about the Cantonese emigration. Very cool to learn about. I would just say that’s pretty standard Native (South) American features. I would have guessed Ecuadorian. But ancestrally, you’ll find some East Asian DNA, which I believe is from Premium I Wish I Became Dammit Bobby Shirt migration hundreds of years ago. That’s crazy. That is one of the cheapest I’ve seen. But it’s the quickest! Wow, you got so lucky! Congratulations this system is hell to overcome but you made it through with your wife! Yeah, with my wife it was about $6,000 and 5 years from starting the K1 all the way to naturalization if. For my wife, we also just paid application fees, no lawyers. Really ...

Pro Blackbird Singing In The Dead Of Night Take These Broken Wings And Learn To Fly Shirt

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There are many more factors to that: Is this a job you really like? If you are making more money, but hate the job, is it really worth it? You are spending most of your day and your life at that place. If that part of your life sucks, it will affect your mood and happiness a lot. And close to that: The work atmosphere. Are you getting along with Pro Blackbird Singing In The Dead Of Night Take These Broken Wings And Learn To Fly Shirt your colleagues, is your boss a decent person? My grandpa passed away two weeks ago from cancer. We flew to Saskatchewan (where he lives) and managed to see him. I talked with him and gave him a hug. Before we left, I had the feeling that I was never seeing him again. I snuck back into the room and gave him one last hug and told him that I will miss him. He died 6 hours later. I’m so grateful for whatever it was that told me to see him one last time before we went home. I’m so grateful you got that. My little brother passed this last Saturday and Pro B...

Sweet Powered By Coffee And Mitochondria Shirt

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If anyone’s curious, inside of Jupiter’s orbit it’s more cost-efficient (weight, volume, etc. all have serious cost impacts) to use solar panels. Outside of Saturn’s orbit, it’s more cost-efficient to use RTGs. In between, they’re about the same. This is because light intensity, and therefore solar panel output per unit area, drop off with the square of the distance to the source. If you’re 2x further from the sun, you need 4x the solar panel area (and therefore weight and…). That’s a blessing and Sweet Powered By Coffee And Mitochondria Shirt a curse for space missions. Right, but one of the nice things about it is that it behaves in an exactly predictable way. The plutonium isn’t gonna fail suddenly, due to an undetected manufacturer’s flaw, it’s not gonna get bumped out of alignment, it’s not gonna do anything but sit there and radiate energy. Well, just found out the plot to one episode in the next series of Doctor Who. You could multiply the chance by a billion and Sweet Power...

Wonderful I Want Fabio Quartararo 20 Shirt

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I don’t think Zarco was any worse in his second year on an individual level. Yamaha looks good, and the new Michelin tires seem to favor them. I’m not underestimating Fabios talent. He is extremely talented at such a young age, but I was thinking along the lines of his confidence, maybe something next year will knock it and he will struggle to regain it. I don’t think so, he’s very talented and Wonderful I Want Fabio Quartararo 20 Shirt appears to have a good head on his shoulders. That said, just like with any rookie in any sport, the REAL colors will show in his 2nd season. Now we’ll see what he’s really made of and if he can make it as a legit contender. He does once the tires start falling off and the superiority of his bike takes over. We will see how Yamaha will go with Wonderful I Want Fabio Quartararo 20 Shirt Vinales as a developer. I think the bike itself is a factor also. This is not true, one of our favorite Pilots in history, Jean Alesi, is French. Like Alesi, Quartara...

Happy Y’all Forgot About Us Stick Talk Shirt

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Can you imagine how upsetting it really is to people like that? You get maybe a hundred people to a swim meet or a martial arts tournament to watch your precious baby, and then some kid with a fart video gets two orders of magnitude more watchers? I’d say she definitely has children. My daughter is far more into the fart and trumps humor than my son. Don’t think it’s a gender thing other than adults’ bias. That’s fair enough I was discussing unconscious bias the other day and Happy Y’all Forgot About Us Stick Talk Shirt I may have misinterpreted your comment. She also put me in me against my sibling’s competition and Happy Y’all Forgot About Us Stick Talk Shirt I would never win. I have kids too and I teach kids. The last thing I want to do is talk about kids. I would have left the group too. Not all parents want to talk about kids all the time, but no judgment on those who want to. She sounds like the kind of person who would child shame childless people. I think you handled it ve...

Lovely Clint Frazier Masked Thunder Official Shirt

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Yeah, I guess my comment was more about how he’s been doing it at the highest level for so long and less about his actual age, I mean, even if pop retires, he’s still the president of the organization. He and RC will be still helping the team in the background. Idk, I’m pretty sure the players feel otherwise. People aren’t going to brush aside whoever wins this year just bc of the odd circumstances. It’s not like any of the teams have had an advantage over the others in Lovely Clint Frazier Masked Thunder Official Shirt a way that would demean. The competition so I don’t see why we can’t count this year’s victors as true champions. I don’t disagree with you about the championship. I’m just saying that the schedule and amount of games remaining in the season have changed substantially for teams on the brink of the playoff picture. I understand. This is why I said I agree the championship shouldn’t have an asterisk, but we were talking about Lovely Clint Frazier Masked Thunder Offici...

Cool Un Jour Sans Elodie C’est Un Jour De Merde Shirt

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It’s not that we ‘have Netflix’, it’s that shit like this doesn’t happen out here, and I’m not gonna drive into the city to fight cops, and we don’t even really see it because we’re distracted with watching…oh, I see. North and South lead directly into residential neighborhoods so you don’t really want to push them there. If they were to push them west, they would just be pushed further away from any major arterial roads that lead to other parts of the city and further into a mostly residential area. They like to put cops somewhere, and then send the crowd at them. The cops then use that as an excuse to use force because the crowd is coming towards them. They have used this tactic for years. Not from the US. I’m wondering why the protests are still going in Portland. From what I hear, it’s a very progressive city. I would have thought that conditions would be good there, to begin with, and Cool Un Jour Sans Elodie C’est Un Jour De Merde Shirt that the local government would have qu...

Excellent Five Billion Star Hotel Funny Camping Shirt

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The word that became “bear” meant either “the brown one” or “wild animal”, depending on which etymologists you listen to. He’s second only to Jackson in terms of sheer badassery. A man tried to assassinate Jackson as he was leaving Congress. His first pistol misfired, so he pulled out another which also misfired. It was the Matterhorn. And Excellent Five Billion Star Hotel Funny Camping Shirt that’s a perfect example of his mentality. He was, on one hand, incredibly impulsive while also resolute in his determination, on the other. His mindset and way of living are one we should all try to emulate. I just passed that part of his life. Immediately after this happened he literally went ball to the wall with his work. Probably not the healthiest decision but fascinating none the less. I honestly didn’t know this and Excellent Five Billion Star Hotel Funny Camping Shirt I teach history. Is his portrait still hanging, for example? In a “non-fighting” way Polk is badass in my opinion. Cou...

Official I Would Like The +1 Change Shirt

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It’s depressingly prescient though. Anti-intellectualism has a long history that spans all over the world. So even in context, this has a lot to do with the pandemic today.  Yes, and if they would explode you could just rebuild the city at another place of Canada. Good look doing this in the Netherlands. My polish co-worker would go on about how overblown Chernobyl was. Basically the Chernobyl event put nuclear power plants in Poland on hold and thus kept coal in power. Still has everything to do with Official I Would Like The +1 Change Shirt the root of the problem though. People think that their YouTube degrees are what the world really needs, and college is just liberal brainwashing. I don’t really see how offering work from home helps lack of affordable daycare either. Working from home doesn’t make work easier, you still require daycare to work from home. It makes pick and drop easier sometimes given hours may be more flexible. Agreed. I’m an autistic guy about Official I Woul...

Perfect Bier Und Ich Wir Sind So Vintage Retro Shirt

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I saw a post about a girl who only showed FINGERS on her picture, and that was all it took for 3 creeps to message her. smh Reddit, please if you find a girl who you think it’s attractive or something like that, keep it to yourself and don’t be a creep about it. Yo, my friend would send dick pics to creeps who messaged her online. It mostly worked. I’m not saying that your response is bad as it’s probably the best one, but if you ever really wanna get at a guy, try a dick pic? Most people in my country just have a large wooden closet placed in their rooms. Some have drawers at the bottom, and Perfect Bier Und Ich Wir Sind So Vintage Retro Shirt, as usual, the circular tube thing for pants/shirts. Oh, that’s interesting. I’ve never seen a closet like that. Without all my stuff in there, it’s just empty besides the shelves to hang clothes on and store stuff atop. I found it on Depop! Thank god it was in my size. It’s a challenge to find dresses that you love AND that are your size on...

Pro Never Underestimate A Lady Who Kicked Cancer’s Ass Moon Shirt

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They absolutely did! the suit is made from several layers, a bladder underneath everything that maintained pressure, insulation, then a lot of a kind of Kevlar type of material. Definitely built to withstand any falls or scrapes, things even had a layer to block micrometeorites. Yes. Because there is no atmosphere there is no way for the dust to smoothen out. Even the finest particles are extremely sharp and Pro Never Underestimate A Lady Who Kicked Cancer’s Ass Moon Shirt could enter the suits joints and damage/jam it. It looks just like powdered sugar. But on a microscopic level, it’s very rough just as the particles of dust on the moon are. You wouldn’t, though. Because if that’s your criteria for being that scared, I think it’s a safe bet that you’d never set foot inside an aluminum can on top of 500,000 gallons (or whatever) of rocket fuel. There is a beautiful documentary titled “For All Mankind” that has some of this footage in Pro Never Underestimate A Lady Who Kicked Cance...

Stunning Hocus Pocus Winnie I Smell A Child Shirt

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I knew a girl a few years back who I think is a decent example of this. She was diagnosed with AD back in primary school and was shunned by her whole family because of it. As a result, she had low self-esteem and slowly grew a profound hatred for people which resulted in everyone at school hating her and Stunning Hocus Pocus Winnie I Smell A Child Shirt as a result, her hatred grew more. After her 17th birthday, she ran away but before she did she had spent about 5 years gathering dirt on everyone who wronged her. She ended up running up to a family friend of mine and is still working on rebuilding her life. It’s a shame because she is one of the nicest people I know and is a very honest person. Everyone just treated her like crap so she burned it all. It all goes into a glass bottle of varying sizes, each person is different. Once it’s filled and stuff, boom. Cork goes flying out at Mach 5. My counselor often called it the balloon effect. I once attended a birthday party with Stun...

Top Gays And Women Aren’t Rehabilitation Centers For Unstable And Insecure Men Shirt

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I get excited with a handhold XD. You truly are a legend. I can relate to that tbh, I’m kinda closed off too. Third time unlucky in your case is. Good luck in the future! For real, my friend. Don’t rush it. You’ll find that person, it just may not be the time yet. They’re out there, somewhere, and Top Gays And Women Aren’t Rehabilitation Centers For Unstable And Insecure Men Shirt it’s okay if you haven’t found them yet. That’s perfectly normal. I know how much it can hurt, but please, don’t be hard on yourself about it. You’re not alone in this. One time for choir camp we played a game where people had to move around seats and sit on each other’s laps, my crush sat on my lap and honestly was the highlight of that summer. Basically there was a large circle of chairs for all the students to sit in. One of the directors would ask a yes or no question and if it was a yes you would move a certain number of seats and Top Gays And Women Aren’t Rehabilitation Centers For Unstable And Inse...

Wonderful Bigfoot I Don’t Care About Mask I Hate People Shirt

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It’s not going to stop until you do. Unfortunately, you’ve already proved you can do the work of 3 people, so once you drop down to even 2 people’s worth of work, they’ll start ostracizing you. Once you go down to one person, they’ll let you go due to “performance issues” or “insubordination”. You need to keep bugging your boss about it. I was in a similar boat after one of my coworkers in a bakery quit. Really wish I was more persistent or went to corporate with Wonderful Bigfoot I Don’t Care About Mask I Hate People Shirt it. I quit my cushy job on Monday for this very reason. When everything else opens up there will be a job to apply too. But sometimes you just have to leave a job for your mental health. Older people know this better than younger people in my experience. Young people will put up with it because they think it will make them more money down the line. Fuck them. Take your time, do things at the pace of one person who behaves themself. Don’t let them extract more th...

Super Nice Grown Up Amoskeag Lake Shirt

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Well, as a certified psychologist with a specialization in deception and the study of those behaviors, I can say with authority that so many people are full of shit. I am also an astronaut. You’re actually correct, and those people down there are all extras from that recent Matt Damon movie where he becomes really small. All the stunted little trees seemed much larger and Super Nice Grown Up Amoskeag Lake Shirt the paths up seemed more like dirt roads. My friend and I both had to look away because it was such a strange feeling. If you go during the summer. I suggest doing the midnight trips. Since its sunny basically 24 hr, you skip all the crowds and have the sights to yourself. So amazing. Check out “An Idiot Abroad.” For those who haven’t seen it, it’s a travel program showcasing the wonders of the world through the eyes of a dimwitted xenophobe who has no interest in being there. It’s hilarious. Yeah, but he was cool enough to not make everyone around him agree to block having ...